cwilliams.jpg…Than 9th …
Former world champions Williams have quickly dismissed suggestions they could revive a Formula One partnership with Honda if McLaren decide to split from the Japanese manufacturer.

Deputy team principal Claire Williams said the team was happy with its Mercedes power units and there had been no talks with Honda.

“We had a fantastic relationship with them back in the 1980s, but I can categorically say that we have not talked to Honda,”

she told TalkSPORT2 radio in a show to be broadcast on Thursday 21st June.

she added.

“We are not here ready with a press release saying we are joining forces with them in 2018. We haven’t talked to them,”

“We all know that Honda do put a huge amount of money at McLaren but when I weigh up the pros and cons, would I rather have the budget we have and be the fourth quickest car or have a huge amount of money and finish P9 (ninth) again?”

Williams finished fifth overall last year, down from third in 2015. They are currently sixth 22 points in front of McLaren (who are still to score a single point) and six points away from 5th place Torro Rosso. Without a huge change in form in the last two thirds of the season Williams are unlikely to climb much further than the Italian team to catch Red Bull.

Honda have already announced they will supply the Sauber team with engines next year but Swiss tabloid Blick, citing rumours from England, suggested Williams could become the Japanese manufacturer’s main factory focus.

The dominant Williams and Brazilian Nelson Piquet won the 1987 world championship with Honda engines before they lost their engine supply to McLaren. Honda powered cars (winning 11 of the 16 rounds of the same year) Did Frank Williams credit the power unit or the later banned active suspension they ran alongside Senna’s Lotus?

The following year McLaren Honda destroyed the rest of the field with a record 199 points and an astonishing 10 1-2 finishes from 16 rounds.  The Best Williams-Judd could managed was seventh with a Nigel Mansell and Riccardo Patrese driver lineup

Looking passed Honda’s current form I wonder if previous relations between Williams and Honda could be a factor in the team quashing rumours so fast? They certainly seem well used to abrupt endings. All a Williams smokescreen? Well Honda has proved the most effective suppliers of them lately.


7 responses to “NO HONDA TALKS: WOULD RATHER LESS MONEY AND BE 6TH – Claire Williams

  1. Williams have been burned enough times in the past switching engine manufacturers to be reticent about doing it again. Though people sometimes change their minds when large amounts of money are involved.

  2. Funny comments considering they are currently happy to throw away a half of their constructors points on a pay-driver..

    • How much could Stroll cost them in FOM money? And how much does money does Stroll bring in? The simple answer is Williams got $77M from FOM, actually $87M when the “heritage bonus” is included but that $10M isn’t dependent on points scored. If Williams drops to last they would get $47M plus the “heritage bonus” So the most Williams can lose in FOM money this year is $30M. And guess what Stroll brings in? $30M. If Williams stay were they are (6th) they’ll lose $10M over last year in FOM money. They are still up $20M with Stroll.

  3. Why would Williams give up the top power plant in F1 for Honda? The question should be: why isn’t Williams doing better with the best hybrid ICE in the sport?

  4. A public slap in the face of Honda. We don’t want your money, we want results. What a PR disaster this is.

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