FIA may yet face a law suit over Jules Bianchi


Jules Bianchi’s family have been relatively quiet since the accident in Suzuka and the subsequent white wash FIA investigation, which implied Bianchi had some sort of contributory negligence for his accident.

There have been maybe three or four public statements made by the family, but each time the content has been justifiably focused on how Jules is progressing and how the family is feeling.

Bianchi’s father yesterday spoke to local newspaper Nice-Matin. The reporter describes the difficult atmosphere he encountered when interviewing Phillippe at his home. There were long silences, followed by a flurry of spoken consciousness, which revealed the evils that beset Jules dad.

Jules is stable, he exists without the help of any life support machines, but the surgeons say there is no interventions which can be made which would assist him to regain consciousness. The never-ending wait, is interminable and the family are present by Jules’ side 24 hours a day in shifts in the hope it helps the young man.

Phillippe runs kart circuits which he attends every day, but they provoke memories of Jules; his son in his prime – full of vitality and life. This is clearly a bittersweet burden Phillippe feels he should daily bear.

When asked about the FIA investigation, Jules dad is curt. “It was just an internal investigation, only for the benefit of those who instigated it”. He quickly shuts down concluding, “I have nothing new to say on this.”

Phillippe Bianchi is a man who has nothing to lose, for now he has lost his precious son and his family suffers the daily torture of seeing Jules helpless and unable to communicate with them.

Yet in a final act of defiance, Jules father feels compelled to reveal to the reporter; “Very good people are involved at this time to defend the interests of Julius”. Philippe makes it clear if necessary layers will be instructed and “they will pay”.

“Frankly, I’m too upset to talk about this. I prefer to focus my energy for now on Jules.”

TJ13 sends it’s heartfelt wishes to the Bianchi family at this time. We believe we were right to expose the failings and improper actions taken by certain FIA officers on that fateful day in Suzuka. But being right or wrong is of no consolation when considering Jules plight.

Hopefully those who were negligent, consumed with their silly game of F1 and the petty politics – all of which contributed to what happened in Suzuka 2014 – will one day be held to account.


16 responses to “FIA may yet face a law suit over Jules Bianchi

  1. First off, and most importantly, My thoughts are with Jules and his family. My life experience does not include having to deal with a close family member in Jules condition, but I can sympathize in many ways.
    Jules father has not said much, but the few sentences he has spoken seem to indicate his dissatisfaction with how his sons injury was handled.
    While I can totally understand why Jules family would not want to start with media statements, legal proceedings, etc, at this point, I truly believe the only way they are going to get any answers is to start rattling some cages. No one else is going to do it for them. Jules Manager is Jean Todt’s son. there is no way he calls for an independent investigation. “Marussia” as a company, doesn’t exist anymore. The FIA has already washed their hands of the situation, and are so scared that they refuse to even publish a transcript of the press conference, let alone a copy of the actual report, or any of the multiple videos they have.

    If I could tell Mr Bianchi one thing, it would be to hit F1 in their weakest point, social media. He could cause a worldwide firestorm if he chose to, with a few simple tweets and a lawsuit or two. If he had the backing of the fans, this would force the “mainstream” press to start asking real questions, and is the only way anything will get done. Not that I ever expect anything to get done.
    I have donated funds to very few things in my life, but I would donate hard earned cash to the Bianchi family to help Jules, and/or fund a lawsuit against every one of those responsible, Jean Todt, the FIA, Suzuka, Marussia, and most importantly, Bernie and Charlie Whiting. They are playing God with drivers lives for TV ratings and must be stopped.

    However, with each passing day my dislike for Jenson Button grows larger as well. He is the director of GDPA, and should be shouting from the rooftops for answers. Between Jules accident, Alonso’s accident, and the complete lack of accountability by anyone, he should be calling for drivers to boycott races until there are answers, plain and simple. Jenson appears to be the FIA and Bernie’s lapdog. I expected more from him. In my eyes, the next driver injury or death is going to be partially his responsibility, for lack of action.

  2. I can fully understand his silence, at the moment the fia will be handling medical bills and such,whether its through insurance or other means i am not privy to know and to be frank,his son needs that level of care. I should imagine once Jules is in a more comfortable/stable condition the shit will hit the fan. His dad is playing the smart game and if,god forbid, I am ever in a situation like this I hope I could find the strength and patience this guy has,His resolve is above extreme as any statement to the press/public will bring a storm against his son and family. All I can say is hang in there..your day will come. Forza Jules

  3. Jules did a video interview with Will Buxton last year and it was absolutely fantastic. F1 drivers are often said to be selfish and arrogant but Jules was one of the most humble people men in the F1 paddock. I’m sure they all still miss him.


  4. Judge – Well done! I’m not seeing other English language sites covering the Bianchi situation as well as TJ13.

    Thanks for writing this article.

  5. Pingback: Проклятие Marussia. Кто предсказал гибель Жюля Бьянки | Главные Новости России и Мира·

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