Daily #F1 News and Comment: Friday 25th April 2014


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Previously on TJ13:

#F1 History: San Marino Grand Prix – 25th April 1982

The #F1 Bar Exam: 24 April 2014

Ecclestone’s secret sign

Vettel not playing – from Sniff Petrol

McLaren sponsor rumours persist

If you’ve got it, flaunt it

Ecclestone’s secret sign


No on is quite sure whether the once famed “F1 supremo” is wiping his eye, or giving Judge Noll an Il Padrino inspired signal.

TJ13 reported on the commencement of the proceedings in Munich court A101 yesterday, Interestingly, SKY F1’s website has no news or comment on the commencement of the Ecclestone trial. Maybe they’ve had the signal too?

Anyway, it appears it’s going to be a long 13 weeks and 26 days in court for Judge Noll as the issues are clear, and again were restated at length on day 1 of the trial.

Ecclestone paid German Banker Gribkowsky $44m…. for something. This is agreed.

The prosecution say, the payment was to persuade Gribkowsky to influence his employer the BayernLB Bank – which at the time was selling nearly 50% of the F1 rights – to sell the F1 shares to CVC who had indicated they would retain Ecclestone’s services as CEO.

There were other potential buyers in the market at the time, and Bluewaters Communications currently have a law suit pending against Ecclestone for around $650m, based upon the fact they would have paid BayernLB more than CVC – given the opportunity.

On the other hand, Ecclestone says Gribkowsky threatened to expose certain of his financial dealings to the UK tax authorities, which may or may not have resulted in Mr. E receiving a tax bill for $2bn. The payment Ecclestone asserts was blackmail.

Ecclestone’s statement lasted for several hours yesterday and for some unknown reason included memories from his childhood during World War Two recalling German bomber raids on the town of Dartford, Kent, where he went to school.

And that – Ladies and Gentlemen of the TJ13 jury – is about it.

Ecclestone’s recent partial victory in London over Constantin has given his defence some comfort. Judge Newey ruled that there was no evidence Ecclestone acted with the intention of “under valuing” the F1 shares. Yet this case did not address the issues, currently being brought by the Munich prosecutors.

Many cases are regularly lost by prosecution services from various jurisdictions around the world, yet this case is about as high profile as it gets.

There may be some rabbits pulled from hats over the coming weeks, but the fact this case has made it to trial would suggest, those prosecuting believe they have a better than ‘normal’ chance of gaining a conviction. Otherwise after years of hype, in the aftermath of an Ecclestone acquittal, questions would be asked of those pressing for Ecclestone to be charged.


Meanwhile, Tamara Ecclestone is in full “Check me out everyone” mode as she exercises publicly in a London park.


Vettel not playing – from Sniff Petrol

Sebastian Vettel isn’t coming out to play any more unless the other boys are nicer to him, the world champion’s mum has warned today. In a letter to the FIA, Mrs Vettel has warned that ‘certain boys’ within F1 have been ‘horrible’ to her son and have engaged in ‘mean behaviour’ such as ‘overtaking him’ and ‘not letting him win’.

In particular, the German driver’s mother insists that he will not bring his toys to Spain in two weeks’ time unless one ‘very mean boy’ stops ‘showing off just because he has the same toy.’

Mrs Vettel concludes her stark missive by suggesting that the only way to get her son to come downstairs and finish his dinner is if the other boys ‘just let Sebby be world champion again’.

James Allen has suggested that McLaren may be close to a title sponsorship deal with Chinese giant telecoms company Huawei (pronounced wah-whey)
After recently failing to convince the US government that it wasn’t being used by Beijing to spy on American businesses and citizens, Huawei Technologies says it is no longer interested in the US market.
And as it turns out, despite the fact that the US is a massive market for consumer and business telecommunications, throwing in the towel there has not hurt Huawei much.

During an annual analyst meeting (held last week at a Spanish bullfighting-themed hotel in Shenzhen), Huawei executives broadcast rosy growth projections for company’s future revenues, new ventures and core business. Annual revenues were up 8.5% to $39.5 billion in 2013, Huawei said, Growth has come from European carriers under intense pressure to keep costs low while they upgrade their networks, a new focus from China on buying Chinese, and new business in Australia and the rest of the Asia Pacific region.

The Americas (mostly the US) were the only area where Huawei’s revenues fell in 2013, down 1.3%, executives said. Sales in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (mostly Europe) are nearly as big as in China.

Analysts at the meeting said that Huawei had continued to grow because it was focusing on what its customers wanted, and because its prices were lower than many of its major competitors. It is doing well in countries where spying concerns take a backseat to other issues “Eh, there are some concerns about security,” explained one French analyst, who did not want to be named criticizing the company. “But, they are cheap.”

The attraction of the publicity F1 may provide Huawei.. is obvious.The question Big Ron has to ask himself is….. who may be spying on whom?.

Mr Horner and Mr Marko may find it ironic should McLaren pursue this relationship with a company openly accused of using its operational activities to collect information illegally and to spy on people.


If you’ve got it, flaunt it

When you’ve got more money than you can spend, even buying the private island once owned by Malcolm Forbes doesn’t bring long term satisfaction.

Red Bull emperor, Dieter Mateschitz, bought Laucala Island in 2002 and eventually opened his many star resort there in 2011.

Now we all know every tropical island needs an underground command centre and a submarine. So, Dieter commissioned a $1.7 million project with Hawkes Ocean Technologies to produce an extreme submersible, part jet fighter and part great white shark

The Deep Flight Super Falcon is different from other submersibles which are sinkers–cumbersome crafts that take on tons of water to drop deep in the ocean. The nimble Super Falcon works differently; its movable wings provide negative lift and allow the craft to move in three dimensions like an underwater airplane. Hawkes told Forbes, “Put the nose down, and yee-ha–you’re flying.”

Yet Mateschitz is not just an adrenaline junkie, TJ13 has previously suggested he perceives himself as some kind of re-incarnation of the great Styrian moderniser, Archduke Johann.

The archduke was a benefactor to this region of Austria and his love of Styria was visually evident from his daily wearing of the Upper Styrian frock coat with a green fringe.

The archduke studied the land and the people intensively and could therefore make significant contributions to development; primarily, but not exclusively, to that of the rural population.

In 1811, he laid the foundation for the Joanneum in Graz, the precursor to the Technical University. He founded the Styrian State Library, the State Archive, the savings bank, a mutual fire insurance institution, the Landesoberrealschule (State Upper Secondary School) and the Historical Association.

Yet he was not just a rich benefactor. During the famine of 1816/17, he personally distributed potatoes and also made sure that they were planted. He introduced farmers to new plants, seeds and varieties. He propagated new methods of livestock breeding and of orchard and crop plantation.

He also bought land and property in the region, most famously Stainz Castle, where two exhibitions to his life are currently on display. Further, he developed the infrastructure of Styria, and was a great patron of the railway. For a long time, the line between Mürzzuschlag and Graz was known as the “Erzherzog Johann Bahn” (“Archduke Johann Train”).

Mateschitz of course has refurbished the famous ‘A’ ring and now been fundamental in the return of F1 to Styria. However, more recently he has been on something of a shopping spree in Upper Styria, where he already owns numerous hotels and grounds adjacent to the Red Bull Ring.

Last week, Dieter purchased almost all the property owned by the HMZ private foundation of the late industrialist Helmut Zoidl.

This includes the grand property, though past its former glory, of the Seehotel am Grundisee whose 2,000 hectares of grounds see the property sit adjacent to head of the lake Grundisee

Mateschitz is to invest tens of millions into his new project which will develop the nearby castle Gabelhofen Fohnsdorf . It was here during the years of the A1 ring where many of the F1 drivers from yesteryear were hosted for the GP weekend.

This will facilitate a haven of rest for the current crop of drivers, away from the grime and toil of the race track and garages littered with oily rags.



37 responses to “Daily #F1 News and Comment: Friday 25th April 2014

      • It’s funny when it takes no more that 3 sentences and maybe a picture. But a whole article just for that? Sorry, maybe I’m a bit grumpy this morning, but I expect a bit better from this site.

          • I loved it Judge 😀

            read it this morning on SniffPetrol and was wanting to post it.

            Seems some people here seem to be suffering from a humour bypass so …..

            * McLaren hires Moyes *

            Just 24 hours after being dismissed by Manchester United, beleaguered manager David Moyes has been hired by the McLaren F1 team.

            ‘It brings me the human emotion of delightedness to welcome David to the team,’ said Ron Dennis in a statement. ‘I hope he will facilitate for this organisation an optimal quantity of success. Transmission ends’.

            Manchester United and McLaren are both well known sporting names who used to win major championships but have recently been going through tough times yet giving the football manager Martin Whitmarsh’s old job may surprise since many believe he was the cause of United’s woes. ‘It’s true,’ admitted one high ranking Woking source. ‘But he couldn’t make it worse than last season. Unless he made it like this season.’

            McLaren insiders say Moyes is already planning to change the way the team is run during a race and will forgo sitting on the pit wall using team-to-car radio in favour of pacing up and down on the edge of the start-finish straight, wildly gesticulating and shouting orders at the drivers. One confidant also revealed that Jenson Button will be substituted on lap 23, right around the time he gets all flustered because the car is crap.

            c/o SP

          • Hahaha. Love it. Can I submit Simona de Silvestro in her Sauber overalls and the caption “Sauber lose a pair of drivers, find faster female/driver”?

            Given the car being so overweight… it’s likely they’d be going faster with de Silvestro and Sirotkin at the wheel right now.. Sutil, Van der Garde are too tall/heavy and Gutierrez just slow.

      • I thought it was very funny. Obviously the Sniff Petrol site has a certain type of humour and it is not to everybody’s taste but I usually like their stuff.

  1. What has happened to Gillette, GlaxoSmith Kline and all the others who were rumoured to be interested and/or in the running?

    • Maybe they’ve gone to that mythical Ijad Park playground, to find Sauber’s Russian friends, and the Lotus Connection,,,

    • adamac39 dit: “What has happened to Gillette”

      1) They saw Jenson’s beard.

      2) Ron thought better of having razor blades in the garage, especially when the knives are being sharpened for the reorganisation.

      3) Honda stepped in and nixed it, because Gillette razors are useless for preparing sushi.

      4) Ron is the sharpest, and he didn’t want competition.

      5) If kmag goes faster than Jenson, the temptation to cut a tyre/fuel line etc., would be irresistible.

      6) ……….blah blah.

    • They looked at the front of the grid and didn’t see any McLarens… oooh low blow.

  2. re: A101
    Did Gribkowsky ever say in his trial why he received the money – and will he be a rebuttal witness for the prosecution in this trial…?

    • Yeah. And to set the record straight from someone’s post the other day, GMM stands for ‘Global Motorsport Media’.

  3. Speaking of flaunting it, I got an invite to the fan forum at Silverstone next Wednesday today… 😀 unfortunately I don’t think I can go and I can’t even give it away to you fine folks! 🙁

  4. And that was 4 more complete crap posts on this site that’d make GMM look good. Like all good things it looks like this page has reached the end of its formerly interesting life. Ciao!

  5. What’s with the dark writing for “Vettel not playing – from Sniff Petrol” and part of the McLaren article? It’s difficult to read without my crap eyesight!

  6. Sorry for being off-topic and a bit slow but has anyone heard if Rory Byrne is still working for Ferrari? They announced this week that there had been cutbacks concerning consultants – wasn’t that what Byrne was classed as? And he had a significant role in designing the F14T…

  7. I liked the article about Archduke Johann. This site is full of all sorts of interesting information.
    Did I really see the guy in the sub wave at the whale? I wonder what he was expecting back? 🙂

    • It’s what we do on slow news days. I could have written a piece which says Mercedes are racked with internal disagreements….

      But unlike other sites who reported Wolf and Lowe are at odds with Lauda over team orders…

      They aren’t. Wolff said given a set of circumstances further down the line, they may consider it.

      Lauda’s comments presented as anti this position, were in fact based on the here and now…

      So the arch duke got some air time.

      • Did you misunderstand my comments as sarcasm?? I truly enjoyed the article! It gave a little insight into the people, the region and perhaps the reasons behind some of Mateschitz’s actions.
        Maybe you are just having a bad day with other people complaining for no real reason. Don’t worry about it, you can’t please all of the people all of the time.
        Keep up the good work, it is much appreciated by the majority of your readers 🙂

        • Agreed, and those that don’t like it can sod off!
          It amazes me that people feel the need to complain about content, don’t they know that not every day can provide a scoop?

          • Well, more to the point, this is a site where lots of original content comes from volunteers. So if you’re unhappy, do something about it by writing something. Don’t just come in and whinge about it. 🙂

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