A Tribute to #JamesHunt an #F1 Legend – Poem 1

 TJ13 is excited to bring you the first of 2 poems composed by Ernie Black, @TheF1Poet, approved by Tom and Fred Hunt, to coincide with the release of the film, Rush.  All of us at TJ13 would like to thank Ernie for allowing us to publish them, as well as Tom and Fred for their co-operation and approval.  The film, directed by Ron Howard, follows the gripping story of the merciless 1970s rivalry between James Hunt and Niki Lauda.

Indulge me please for a moment or two, while I pay tribute to where it’s certainly due

If you happen to be an F1 fan, you’ll have most certainly heard of this man

Sometimes known as “Hunt the Shunt” , he was born James Simon Wallis Hunt

Naturally skilled with passion so pure, naughty school boy charm with magnetic allure

He defined the term “PLAYBOY” in every way. The world was his oyster, his life a buffet

Tabloids loved him as much as the birds, who swooned and chased him by flocks and by herds

His sense of humour was one for the books, it was only outdone by his smashing good looks

Charismatic and tender with a Rock Star smile, tenaciously ruthless was his driving style

The drug was danger, victory the goal, while the hearts of his fans, he boldly stole

Fast fists on circuit and faster to strip. Quick on the draw, from the lip or the hip

A modern day hero, who battled rivals on track. Mistakes behind the wheel, one would rarely get back

When driving was dangerous and sex was safe, James Hunt faced death, not a bruise or a chafe

He commanded attention then held it firm if not firmer. Living life to the limit, with impetuous fervor

Political correctness did not exist and breaking rules was required, just to subsist

The sport misses champions like bad boy James, when drivers were personalities and not just names

A quick glimpse at his life, in Ron Howard’s Rush, where some scenes are sure, to make many blush

Most stories are true, he was cool to the core. We shouldn’t forget though, that he was much much more

A father, a husband, F1’s Golden Boy. Champagne, cigarettes and a wee pinch of coy

He left this world, far too soon. Cheating death on the track but he was not immune

Let’s remember this champion, with this little rhyme. May his memory and legacy outlast all time

I’ll always fight hard to be out in front and live my life at the speed of HUNT..

One response to “A Tribute to #JamesHunt an #F1 Legend – Poem 1

  1. While certainly a good driver, a character and later a great F1 commentator and I would never argue he didn’t win the 1976 championship fair and square. Hunt always struck me as the English Keke Rosberg. Circumstances beyond his control allowed him to win the 1976 championship as was the case with Rosberg in 1982. I saw Hunt win the Canadian GP in 1976 as a small kid. It was exciting to see Hunt win but everybody there knew that had Lauda not had his accident the WC would have already been decided.

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