Schumacher demands the immediate resignation of Horner

Despite a strong on-track start to the new Formula One season, Red Bull Racing has been embroiled in controversy off the track, with team principal Christian Horner at the centre of it all. Reports suggest that there was a concerted effort by the Austrian faction of Red Bull GmbH, including figures such as Helmut Marko and Oliver Mintzlaff, to remove Horner from his position following the emergence of the allegations and subsequent investigation.

However, Horner’s tenure was ultimately secured by the support of the majority shareholders based in Thailand, who vetoed the decision to sack him. This support came despite an anonymous email containing serious allegations against Horner was sent to 149 senior figures in the sport, sparking widespread speculation and concern about the possibility of an official investigation by the FIA, Formula One’s governing body. 

Despite the seriousness of the allegations, FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem confirmed that the organisation had no intention of launching its own investigation, citing the absence of a formal complaint.

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The mystery of the leaks in Bahrain

The deliberate distribution of the dossier against Horner to key figures in the F1 world suggests a concerted effort to tarnish his reputation. The expectation that more damning evidence would emerge after qualifying in Bahrain only heightened the sense of anticipation and unease in the paddock. However, the expected ‘second drop’ of information failed to materialise, leading to further speculation about the motives and forces behind the campaign against Horner.

In the midst of the unfolding controversy, a relative of the accuser came forward to express her disgust at the situation and to question the conclusions of the investigation which had supposedly cleared Horner of wrongdoing. This development, coupled with the assertion that there was no personal relationship between Horner and the accuser, adds a new dimension to the controversy and suggests that the matter is far from settled.

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Implications for Red Bull Racing

The saga has plunged Red Bull Racing into a maelstrom of uncertainty, threatening not only the team’s image but also its operational dynamics and future prospects. The potential impact of the controversy extends to Red Bull’s partnership with Ford, which had been set to collaborate on engine development for the 2026 season.

Ford’s decision-making process will undoubtedly be influenced by the unfolding events, with implications for Red Bull’s technical direction and its ability to forge and maintain partnerships in line with shared ethical standards.

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Schumacher weighs in

Ralf Schumacher has openly called for Horner’s resignation, citing unresolved issues stemming from allegations made against him by an employee.

In an interview with Sky, the brother of Michael Schumacher highlighted the precarious position Horner now finds himself in, with potential implications for the team’s future, including the possible departure of key personnel such as star driver Max Verstappen. Schumacher hinted that negotiations with other teams may already be underway, hinting at a conversation with Mercedes’ Toto Wolff, who suggested that “anything is possible”.

“The danger is quite simply that some parties now want to leave,” said Schumacher

“We did an interview with Toto Wolff and he said anything is possible. For me that means they are already in negotiations,”

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Schumachers’ call for resignation

Schumacher stressed the untenable nature of Horner’s position, given the growing opposition to him within Red Bull. He pointed to discontent among team members, including star designer Adrian Newey, who is known to value team harmony. Schumacher’s stark conclusion is that Horner should step down for the good of the team, given the negative atmosphere surrounding his leadership.

“Christian Horner is now required to draw conclusions. If you see how the mood is against him, he is untenable. For the sake of the team, he should just resign now.” demands Schumacher

The opposition to Horner within Red Bull has reportedly grown to significant numbers, with Schumacher describing it as a “huge group”. The widespread circulation of an explosive email containing chat history between Horner and the employee was described by Schumacher as a form of “political murder”, highlighting the depth of the internal conflict.

Schumacher believes that even Horner’s supporters must recognise the untenable situation, with the disunity within the team and the risk to the Red Bull brand becoming too great to ignore. He suggests it’s time for the Thai shareholders who have backed Horner to recognise the need for a change in leadership to safeguard the team’s future and integrity.

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The future of Red Bull Racing

As the situation unfolds, the focus remains on how Red Bull Racing will navigate this turbulent period.

“This disunity in the team, the risk for the Red Bull brand… I think the Thai side also has to realize that it makes no sense to continue to hold on to Horner,” claims Schumacher who believes H0rners’ position untenable despite the clear show of support from the Thai contingent.

With growing calls for Horner’s resignation and the potential for significant changes within the team, the controversy threatens to overshadow Red Bull’s achievements on the track. The resolution of this internal struggle will be crucial to the team’s unity and performance in the competitive world of Formula One racing. One wonders how soon we might see the performance of the race team reduce due to this civil war.

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MORE F1 NEWS: Hamilton critical as Mercedes engineers make rookie mistake

Lewis Hamilton had been relaxed an upbeat prior to the start of the Formula One season opening race in Bahrain. Mercedes had their first 1-2 in any free practice session since Hungary last year and their long run pace looked competitive with Ferrari.

The seven times world champion had an underwhelming qualifying and finished just P9 some three tenths slower than team mate George Russell who started he race third behind Charles Leclerc and pole sitter Max Verstappen…READ MORE ON THIS STORY

12 responses to “Schumacher demands the immediate resignation of Horner

    • If Adrian Newry and Helmut go to Mercedes you don’t think Max will?
      It’s all very political. I think Christina will leave and it will be fine but Toto is definitely involved and he needs a Hamilton replacement.

    • True, but at 26 one would also think Max is “old” enough to think for himself, instead of “I’ll go with daddy’s opinion”. Who also think that treats from Jos sounds like someone that think he”s in the pound seats? – Very similar to someone saying – “if this or that dont happen, then I’ll take my child out of your school and enroll him somewhere else”

  1. What has Schumacher got to do with anything that he can demand Horner to resign immediately???? So many people talking nonsense and think they know everything there mouths are turning brown.

    • Where is the proof? Are any of those images, screenshots etc validated as authentically sent from Horner? Until then it is just speculation and hot air. It reeks of desperation to have Ralf Schumacher call for Horner’s head. My2c

    • Either the german part of Red Bull wants Horner out or one or more of the other F1 teams. Removing Horner weakens the Red Bull team. Take out the opposition so to speak.

  2. Schumacher demands?? This clown is not in a position to “demand” anything. Just annoying this guy.

    • Totally agree, this bullshit is a witch hunt by the media who are in the gutter as usual

  3. Good grief, this is now soap opera worthy drama, has anyone thought how this mist be affecting Horner and the alleged victim, the simplest thing, might possibly be,to ventilate this is a Court of Law and let the Law takes its course, what happens after that will be, as its meant to be….all other goings on, is placing the entire Organisation in the path of one heck of storm, that threatens to leave it reeling for months after, from the impact of the mystery person/s, sabotaging the F1 movement as a whole…

  4. Josh verstappen staring things up. What car is max going to drive he,s in the best car let’s face it F1 is getting boring and horners situation just livens things up

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