#F1 Polls: FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX DU CANADA 2014 – Driver of the Weekend

#F1 Polls: FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX DU CANADA 2014 - Felipe Massa

Who was your driver of the 2014 Canadian Grand Prix weekend? This takes into account not just the race but the whole weekend, from Friday. Please let us know why you voted the way you did in the comments section.

131 responses to “#F1 Polls: FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX DU CANADA 2014 – Driver of the Weekend

  1. Up until a few laps from the end there where a few possibilities, perez strong race, massa first non mercedes to drive in p 1 this season, rosberg for managing a race with a broken car. But then it all changed. Massa showing again he’s not been the same after his accident. And fucking it up ultimately. And dan the man taking the race. And for me driver of the race… good job. Great race overal. Anyone saying f1 is boring should get hit in the head…

    • Massa did nothing wrong. Perez nerfed him off. I think the shocking thing is that Rosberg still finished second in a broken car. Merc have fucked up F1. Death to Stuttgart!

      • Au contraire massa did alot wrong. Clearly faster than both red bulls and a force India. Yet passing anyone seems impossible for him…

        • Bruznic, your just a hater. In times like these I know what the Fat Hippo must feel like. Unfounded/dumb opinions everywhere. Simply because of Massa’s image its his fault.

          • What a load of bullshit. After the testing I was the first to express my hope that massa would bring wins back to williams. I have nothing against massa. But you can’t deny he had to pass em fair and square.he was much faster

          • How about dirty air? And the fact the complete train ahead of him had DRS. And the Williams struggles with downforce in any case so that must be a speedkiller combined with dirty air.

          • Perez didn’t have Drs. And they all had dirty air except rosberg. But hey if you think massa did the best race of his life, that’s fine by me.

          • First of all sorry for getting all fired up. Second of all, no I dont think its his best race although he did a good job.

          • That’s why I had him in my list for driver of the race. Up until the last few laps. He did have a good race. Just like some others out there. I was cheering him on to win this thing.

        • had Williams let Massa pass Bottas earlier, and had he a lot more initiative, could have been in a position to fight for the top spot, but, nothing was made, then his mind blew out and he should thank anything he believes for getting out unhurt

          • Was gonna say the same. Look at the onboard of Perez and look at where he is at compared to Vettel. From the start to end of the braking zone he moves from the far right to the middle of the track with Massa on his tail and slightly on his left. All the while dealing with brake problems. I think Perez wanted more than he could chew. And to quote Senna (as some people seem to like that): “And if you no longer go for a gap that exists, you are no longer a racing driver because we are competing, competing to win.”

          • But you are right about the bottas thing. They should have taken him out of massa’s way.

          • watched, and in fact, Sergio was a bit more inside, compared to his previous line and also when compared to Vettel line

        • Agreed, Massa looked like he simply forgot that in a race you may have to overtake to gain places! He consistently got his entry to the hairpin wrong and that left him with a shitty exit, which hurt his traction so he couldn’t capitalize on the superior speed of his car as he couldn’t hit the loud pedal quick enough allowing the Red Bulls to gap him just enough to hold him behind. As for the crash, surely the man behind is more has to take the larger responsibility, Perez already had rear brake issues, I watched the on-board over and over and he doesn’t make a input on the steering wheel before Massa hit him, the car did twitch but I think his brake issue could have easily caused that.

          • The first point of contact in that accident were the wheels, I think Massa mis-calculated the space between both of them. It didn’t look like Perez did much wrong.

            What would be interesting to know, is if the team had told him that Perez had reported that he had no rear brakes left.

          • It really did look like Massa just got it wrong. Maybe he was distracted by frustration at not being able to capitalize on his cars pace.

          • Well said CV, regarding Massa in the hairpin while he was dog-fighting the RBR’s those last few laps.

            These are all very talented drivers at this level, and Massa has shown yet again this season that he is very fast, perhaps faster than many on this grid. But if we had a few other drivers in that Williams, such as either of the Ferrari drivers, or Lewis Hamilton, or others skilled at adapting to the changes needed to pass these cars, that Williams would’ve likely cleared both RBR’s sooner, and Perez as well.

            Not only was he failing to adjust his lines in the hairpin, but he kept slipping the rears trying to launch out of the hairpin as well… It was an opportunity lost well before he ran into Perez’ tire.

          • Agree. After Massa caught up he sort of stopped. He just didn’t look committed enough. Too bad, he had a shot.

          • Perez at fault on this one for moving left under braking. I think he just defended too late, and Massa was already committed to the overtake, like Ricciardo who almost went off into T3 completing the move. A shame, as Massa and Perez both deserved the strong result.

            If Perez could have gotten in Rosberg’s DRS zone, he could have won the race. Similarly, Massa’s pitstop losing 4 seconds cost him dearly.

    • I disagree with the Judge to vote on Driver of the weekend, and will go with what most here do anyway, which is Driver of the Race.

      Following bruznic’s lead, I agree there many fine drives to choose from:

      Perez outdrove his team-mate again, preserving his tires while maintaining strong race-pace. Was in podium position till…

      Massa outdrove his highly rated young team-mate (again), and was incredible hunting down the RBR’s at the end. Yet, he didn’t get the job done, as bruznic points out.

      Vettel was incredible in fighting Massa, his own team-mate, and others, and then landing on the podium… a very impressive drive overall.

      Hamilton drove from 3rd to 1st in a hard fought race against a very strong performance by his team-mate, then his car failed.

      Rosberg did incredibly well again, often matching his WDC team-mate, putting immense pressure on him, and then at the end of the race doing a very good job of managing the limited resources of his ailing car to finish a very good 2nd.

      Ricciardo gridded poorly, losing to his 4X WDC team-mate and both Williams, yet he fought well in the middle of the race to put himself in position to take advantage of strategic stops, and then fought his team-mate, and made two on-track passes for the win.

      Button out-drove his young highly regarded team-mate again, and he did what he does so often, finished with more points than what was seemingly possible for the slow cars that are emitted from MTC for most every race weekend over and over again.

      So out of those 7 strong drives, (8 if I included Alonso who was very good again, but he lost a place to Button on the last lap, and 7 is enough already), my vote is Daniel Ricciardo’s maximum points for an excellent effort!

      Well done by all 7!

        • Great point, Vergne was very good in comparison to his team-mate, fought Alonso well, and then beat K-Mag to finish 8th… he extracted maximum performance from his car.

          So that is 8 strong performances…

          • Indeed, very tough to decide. I think Bottas did well too, until he got caught in traffic and had to back off to cool the car and finish the race..

    • Not over yet, it’s only 22pts, he came back from 25. The law of averages will hopefully level things out in the end.

      The double pts system, does that only apply to the race winner and not the rest of the field?

      • Hamilton had to win 4 races in a row already to get in the lead, now he has to do it all over again. And we are nearly halfway! Definition of a fanboy is being blind. Are you blind?

        Ofcourse the double points applies to everyone. They wanted to make it a little more exciting, not completely kill it.

        • So your having a go at me, because I asked a question?

          You just answered your own question, he had already shown he can claw back the lead after Australia, so there’s no way he can’t do it again. This is only race 7, that leaves 12 remaining and if you know how to divide, that’s 3 sets of 4 races.

          You called me a “fanboy”, thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment. But may I ask which driver or team do you support?

        • Im not saying it’s impossible. But it certainly isn’t a given as Lewis lost a lot of momentum.

          I support no particular driver or team. I favor 4-5 teams and even more drivers. I used to be a MSC fanboy though back when I was 10 years old (10 years ago).

          • Momentum can be regained mate, all it takes it just one win to get the ball rolling.

      • I did suggest it may be written in the stars that Rosberg could win a WDC like his daddy – who had just one race win, but was more consistent than anyone else over the season… So If Merc return to type, 1-2s until the summer break – and Lewis wins them all, he’ll be 6 points ahead of NR and have 8 wins to his team mates 2…. Mum… Just looking at hypothetical….

        • I asked the question earlier about the double points system. Maybe you can answer it for me.

          Is the double points only awarded to the winner of the race or does it apply everyone that finishes in the points?

          • Are you intellectually challenged? Of course only the winner get double points; anything else would be a travesty of a mockery of a sham.

          • Sorry ……. ‘gets’. I wish there were some way to edit comments.

          • Well I guess if me asking a question to something that I don’t know the answer to, makes me intellectual challenge. Then it’s a problem I’ve had since I was in kindergarten.

            But thank you for answering my original question.

          • The rules only state this: ” At the final Event of the Championship points for both titles will be doubled.”

            There is no statement about it being for first place only so I would say it’s double for everyone who finishes in the points.

          • @ Fortis. You’re welcome, glad I could help.

            Dude, I got to tell you, you are the source of much amusement so thanks. But, really, are you so oblivious? Unbelievable.

          • I take it you are being ironic Steve! Double points for all… the next debate was whether this includes the non-points scoring positions. Does an 11th place in Abu Dhabi trump 11th in Monaco? The top ten positions have doubled in value…

            And as I said elsewhere, a first class degree merely shows you have worked hard enough to get one.

        • I don’t have the energy to do it myself, Judge, but how would this work out with the old points system?

          • Do you honestly expect an answer after your previous comments?

            Well the answer is that the gap between 1st and 2nd is smaller than the ’90s 10-6-4-3-2-1 and slightly bigger than the 2003-2009 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1.

            Here’s it all worked out for you:

            25- 15- 10- 7.5- 5- 2.5- 0- 0- 0- 0
            25- 20- 15- 12.5-10- 7.5- 5- 2.5- 0- 0
            25- 18- 15- 12- 10- 8- 6- 4- 2- 1

    • Think its got to go to Ricciardo, FP sessions he looked good, Q1 and 2 did too, but Q3 was the only time he dropped the balls, and to go from 6th to 1st, past his TM and the Williams cars, also his smile.

      • At least his pass on his team mate was down to RB shafting VET on strategy. This was the first race where he was genuinely outraced by Vettel and ironically he won it. But I agree – couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke. Good to see Vettel being genuinely happy for him, too. What a contrast to what we saw in Monaco.

        • It does seem odd that Vettel was out so long behind that FI, but I can’t believe they would deliberately shaft him, what purpose did it serve? I can only assume, they thought he’d clear them faster, or the gap wasn’t optimal, or perhaps that if he kept his tyres he might try a 1 stop? Shame though, I think a 1-2 for RB would have been on otherwise.

          • Indeed, I think it also caught out Williams and Bottas. Massa losing 4 seconds at his first stop prompted them to try something different. I think all the 2 stoppers didn’t expect to be caught up behind the Force Indias, or were thinking they would be able to pass them using DRS.

  2. For me it is Rosberg – he had to deal with Hamilton who was on fire this weekend and Hamilton was piling the pressure on in the race.

    But as far as Danny boy goes! Boom! And well done to Vettel to get on the podium too! 🙂

  3. If there is one thing we learnt today, is just how piss poor the rest of the cars are compared to the Mercs and how slow the Redbulls are in a straight line. Despite being on fresher tires, they still couldn’t get pass Hulkenberg on tires that were 20+ laps old.

    Perez couldn’t get close to Nico despite nursing a car that was begging to be passed.

    • The Mercedes without 160hp is the same speed as a 1 stopping Force India…. RB with only 60 hp less cannot pass the 1 stopping Force Indias either..

  4. Is it me or has Mr. Bad Luck not yet knocked on Rosbergs door? Things like these will probably decide who wins the championship. I mean Hamilton had bad luck in Aus, Mon and here in Canada. Where did Rosberg had to deal with bad luck. Not being anti Rosberg btw, as I’m pretty impressed by what he’s doing.

  5. This is going to hurt, but is give it to Nico, everything went his way this weekend…

    He got pole✔️
    Saved an almighty tank slapper existing turn 4✔️
    Escaping a stewards enquiry✔️
    And manage to finish 2nd with a car that was sick as a parrot✔️
    Extending his lead in the championship✔️

    Given all that, it has to go to him.

  6. Frankly, I can’t understand so many people voting for Ricciardo as driver of the weekend. Yes it was his first victory – and I’m glad that it was him and not Vettel for a change – but he didn’t actually drive all that impressively. Even taking the whole weekend into account, his results both in training and the qualifying weren’t that outstanding.

    First Ricciardo only gets to be in front of his teammate due to a superior pit strategy, then it takes him almost until the end to actually overtake the ailing Force India. In the end, it was only the huge problems at Mercedes which even allowed him this victory, which he received by overtaking Rosberg with DRS, whose care was down at least 20 km/h on the straight.

    • I voted for Vergne.. after Vettel I think he did the best job in Q. Solidly brought home the Toro Rosso ahead of Magnussen and Raikkonen. Rosberg was a consideration, and Ricciardo came to the fore when it was really needed. As Horner said, that move in T2 was right on the edge, so he is a deserving winner of the race and DOTW IMO. We can give him the 0.04 in Q, that’s barely a blink and covered 4 cars.

  7. Congrats to Riccardo. Drove a very controlled race and made the best of the opportunities presented to him.

    Clearly time has come for the M-B team to designate Rosberg as number one and tell Hamilton he’s number two and play a supporting role.

    • Seems a bit early to do that. There are a lot of races to go and it’s great to have the Mercedes drivers actually racing each other. Hamilton is a very fast drivers, faster that Rosberg IMHO, but suffers from that sometimes. Nico was able to keep racing the car when he had the same problems as Lewis, while Lewis wasn’t able to change his driving to drive around the problem. If there was ever a race that was begging to be won by other than a Mercedes, this was it, yet Nico was able to keep a gap and almost won. I suspect Lewis is down now, but he needs to man up, look at things, and beat Nico. If he can’t do that in the next few races I think he will have defeated himself. I have to give Nico driver of the race for being able to keep race pace even with problems. He’s smart and seems to be able to think things through. And no, Fortis, I am not a Nico fanboy; I’m not anyone’s fanboy. I just like good driving and good racing. Fantastic race but disappointed by Massa’s inability to pass.

      • I’m going to try and control what I’m going to say, so please don’t misinterpret this as me being angry or whatever, so here goes…..

        It was painful for me to admit it, but I too gave Nico driver of the day….

        But don’t you think it’s a bit unfair, to say that Lewis couldn’t drive around his problem? If there is any driver on the grid that can drive around problems in a race, Lewis is one of them (Korea 2012 drove more than half the race with a broken rear anti roll bar) His brakes failed, so that’s near impossible to do. Nico didn’t have the same rear break problem, because they told him to move all his brake bias forward after what happened to Lewis.Nico was in clear air, so it was easier to cool his brakes. So there’s not much you can do when the brakes practically blew up.

      • Given the Mercs advantage over everyone, do you think it would affect them in anyway, if the ran with last years rear brakes, with the bigger discs and 6 pistons instead of the current 4?

        • The four pot brakes are required by regulation.

          Look, Fortis, I’m not being sarcastic here, as I think you are a real fan, but some of the questions you ask are ……… amateur. Bone up one the regulations a bit, read the rules and technical sites, get a good understanding of what’s going on, then ask the beginner’s questions. Seriously, I’m not mocking you, but at least understand the rules of the game and things will go better. We are all allowed our own opinions and can comment as we wish, but really, know what you’re talking about and it will be easier. You’ve gotten on the wrong side of a lot of people who have commented here for a long time; it might be a useful exercise to maybe, just maybe, look at what you’re doing from the other side. I say this with true compassion and helpfulness towards you. You are too easy a target; think a bit before you comment and respect the comments of others. I guarantee that if you do this you will be accepted. Stop trying to force yourself on others, respect them as you would wish to be respected (that sounds somewhat biblical and prophetic, but I digress). Seriously, quite a few posters here have tried to tell you this. Accept their input. Please.

          • Maybe you should take a little of your own advice. 😀

            6×2.5 ain’t hard maths to do.

          • Please don’t try and give me your holy lecture on what you think I should or shouldn’t do, save that for your kids. I do know the rules and the regs, just not all of them, hence why I put the questions to people who are more clued up than I am about all the finer points of the sport. The question was directed at the judge, so if you’re going to give an answer, then do so and stop trying to give me a lecturer!

            Furthermore, I didn’t know that I needed to be accepted first, before I can comment! This is the internet, not some private men’s club!

            As for the answer you gave, it’s not in regulations about what size and how many pistons the rear brake should have.

            FIA technical regulations1.18 Brake caliper :
            “All parts of the braking system outside the survival cell, other than brake discs, brake pads, caliper pistons, brake hoses and fittings, which are stressed when subjected to the braking pressure. Bolts or studs which are used for attachment are not considered to be part of the braking system.”

            So by that reading, there’s nothing that governs the size of the brakes or how many pistons they can have.

          • Here’s further expansion to the brake regulations…,

            11.2 Brake calipers :
            11.2.1 All brake calipers must be made from aluminium materials with a modulus of elasticity no
            greater than 80Gpa.
            11.2.2 No more than two attachments may be used to secure each brake caliper to the car.
            11.2.3 No more than one caliper, with a maximum of six pistons, is permitted on each wheel.
            11.2.4 The section of each caliper piston must be circular.
            11.3 Brake discs and pads :
            11.3.1 No more than one brake disc is permitted on each wheel.
            11.3.2 All discs must have a maximum thickness of 28mm and a maximum outside diameter of 278mm.”

            Maybe you should take your own advice and go study up on the rules, instead talking like you know shit!!!

    • Not just yet..

      Hamilton: 4 wins, 1 2nd, 2 DNFs from car failures
      Rosberg: 2 wins, 5 seconds. Half as many laps led as Hamilton

      Pole Trophy: Likely to go to Hamilton – 4:3 in his favour atm.

      Most metrics (except the current points standings) show Hamilton as deserving champion for 2014. We’ll see how it looks at the end of the year.

      On number 1-2s… fair enough if that helps them bring both cars home, but perhaps they should just increase the margins on cooling, they have such an advantage on pace already…. time to win in Vettel/Red Bull style, more reminiscent of Prost…

  8. I’d be very, very interested to know what went wrong with the Mercs.

    So unusual exactly the same thing happening at exactly the same time. Enough to get the conspiracy people going – maybe someone set off an EMP pulse just as they were passing and it fried part of their electronics?

    So hard to tell with Massa, whether he was over-optimistic or if Perez wandered too far left. I have an inkling it is the latter but either way it is such a shame for both of them.

    Also odd that it seems that multiple DRS cancels out for cars at the back of a long train. The RBs didn’t have top speed to get past Perez but somehow Massa couldn’t take advantage of a better top speed to do anything about them either. Unless his gearing wasn’t quite long enough?

    Perez was never going to get Rosberg but really Massa should have.

    • MGU-K fail on both cars as well as brake fail in Hamilton possibly bought on by the fact the K wasn’t helping to slow the car and therefore putting greater pressure on the down graded (for this year compared to last) rear brakes causing the fiction materials to overheat and fail. The team believe Nico faired better with regards his rear brakes as he was running in clear (cooler) air so the heat was dissipated more effectively, they also put all the brake bias the could toward the fronts to try and relieve the work the rear brakes were doing.

      Parry Lowe gave a decent explanation plus Ted Kravitz covered it in his post race notebook.

      • And lewis and nico have a different brake bias to begin with. As always it’s the little things combined that make the greater picture. Although it was quite absurd it happend virtually at the same time. But, in my opinion, it added to the excitement of the race.

        • It would be interesting to know how many races both MGU-K’s had done. If both units have done the same mileage then I goes to show a very consistent build quality to both fail on the same lap of the same race.

          • Both Lewis n Nico have only used 2 of all the 5 permitted parts that makes up the PU. Matt55 posted some info above.

          • I want know if both K’s were fitted to the 2 cars at the same time, as if Ros had a new 1 in say China and Ham a new 1 in say Barcelona, then it would be odd they failed simultaneously, but if the both had a new K at the same time, then the team have either underestimated its life span, or its an identical fault in the manufacturing. Just knowing they have used 2 units does not answer my original question on the mileage on both units.

          • Two failures at the same race, nearly the same lap… to me that suggests a failure due to the race conditions rather than due to the age of the components.

            Too much energy fed into the K by their regen setting under braking causing storage overheat and shutdown perhaps? Just a theory.

      • To be honest, as an electronic engineer it just seem far, far too unlikely to me that two units would fail at almost exactly the same time.

        Even with the best equipment you can’t make two items identical enough to even engineer a simultaneous failure. You can’t get absolutely pure material and the impurities make it impossible to tell when something will fail.

        If they are using the same MGU-K as Monaco then it is even less likely as Rosberg has completed most of the laps in fairly clear air while Lewis has been sat up tight behind him most of the time with things getting hotter and hotter.

        To be honest, I have a feeling there is more to this than they are letting on but I doubt we’ll ever know.

        Not sure the brake failure is that related to this – Lewis lost rear brakes not long after he lost MGU-K, yes it would have put more load on the brakes as they would be doing all the stopping but he must have been heavier on his brakes all race for it to affect him that quickly. Nico managed a fair stint with crippled brakes at a decent pace so I think driving style and brake setup is more of an issue here than the failure.

    • This is a good catch. It does seem like the Williams is geared shorter than the other Mercedes cars. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but it looks like the Merc teams are geared from shortest to longest in this order: Williams, McLaren, FI, Mercedes. With Williams and McLaren close together and FI and Merc fairly close together. The Williams 7th gear is closer to the Mercs 6th gear than it’s 7th.

      IF (underline IF) this information is true it would seem to explain why the Williams might have been topping out at the end of the straight using DRS. BUT the speed trap data contradicts this theory totally with Massa and Bottas being fastest by far at 347 (!!!) and 341 KPH. Interesting isn’t it.

      Unless they were having brake problems as well and just couldn’t risk a shot up the inside, although it appeared as though Massa didn’t have the speed for that anyway.

      I think the explanation is that the Williams has no rear downforce and was eating it’s rear tires, thus the early stops, and why on older tires Massa couldn’t get any traction out of the hairpin to start accelerating as early as the RBRs which evened it all out by the end of the straight.

      • Good comment. As soon as I started reading I thought about speed traps and the fact the Williams were fastest, so you ‘wrong gearing’ theory wasn’t correct. The cars have 8 speeds this year, lots and lots of torque, and quite a range of engine revs, with max fuel flow at 10,500 revs but a rev limit of 15,000 rpm, so running out of gears does not seem likely. My read is that Massa has just sort of lost the edge and was unwilling to commit.

          • Interesting, thanks. Yes, Merc and Williams are a bit shorter, but with the rev limits does that really matter? There is a LOT of torque available, so gearing would seem to be not as critical, especially as nominated ratios are fixed, except for a single change.

          • Thanks for sharing this ratio info! You’re right about the McLaren’s ratios… all that money and talent at MTC, and for them to do that is just… strange.

            Back j’s point earlier, this explains a bit about the pace of the Williams and in particular Massa’s late race dogfight with the RBR’s.

            It’s now clear why Williams was fast in the speed trap… their 5th, 6th, and 7th gears are significantly lower than the other Mercedes powered teams. So combining the more powerful engine with lower ratios means they had the more torque (enabling harder acceleration) than anyone else from ~190kph (or whenever they hit 5th) to the trap.

            I think that j also raises a good point about Williams vulnerability on that straight which was launching out of the hairpin versus the RBR’s. The RBR’s may well have the best chassis, so are likely able to launch with the most speed from the apex. While the Williams can’t get their torque down to the ground from the hairpin, which inhibits creativity on the part of Massa in his lines through the hairpin (though I believe he could have been more creative with what he had there) and made it easy for him to slip his rear tires under acceleration from corner exit.

            Great stuff here!

          • So far, I think that’s how Hamilton and both Williams’ have been able to lift + coast so effectively, getting more torque from under the 10.5k rev limits as others, earning themselves 3kg less to carry and 6-7 seconds of race time improvement. However, like Vettel/Red Bull’s downforce strategy, it works better out front than in traffic… at Malaysia, Massa only had enough fuel to attempt one pass both times before dropping back to conserve fuel.

            The lack of traction highlighted by Vortex Motio also doesn’t help matters. If they had sorted that out then I would’ve expected multiple podiums from Williams this season.. possibly from not being so far back in wet Q sessions as well as being better able to pass cars.

        • Ferrari are also struggling badly with this.. hence Kimi looping it in practice and race on the exit of the hairpin. That car must be on tenterhooks to drive.

  9. Well that was a fun race. Montreal is my favorite track and when the weather is hot it makes for a great race. The tire deg is high and the trip through the pits is quick so the track doesn’t reward drivers/teams that try to coast around on a one stopper.

    I watched this on the BBC and this race really showed me that F1 is too technical now… not for the fans but for the commentators. It took them ages to notice that Perez’s DRS was broken and they never did seem to get or try to explain why losing your batteries and K harvesting might lead to rear brake problems or a rear brake failure.

      • And loosing Jake Humphreys, he really tied EJ and DC together, like some mates chatting down the pub, not some star struck bimbo trying to control the loos cannon that EJ has become and DC, well DC is so dry, I can’t listen to the bloke for too long.

        BBC failed us, I took Phone, Broadband and HD TV from Sky and it only cost £7 a month more than I paid Talk Talk for phone and broadband, so when people say they won’t pay the massive money Sky charge, you need to take with a pinch of salt. Look at your phone and broadband package against the cost of having it of sky with TV as well and it works out at less than £10 a race weekend over the course of a year. I’m sure a lot of people would be prepared to pay that to watch every session live. Makes me laugh when folks say it’s £300 or £500 a year for sky, pretty much everyone has phone and internet connected anyway.

        Sorry for going off topic a little, rant over!

        • Yeah, that may be true in the UK, but in the US of A to get the NBC F1 broadcast I would have to get basic cable TV (which we dropped for lack of interest in television) AND sign up for a premium cable package. Total cost about $80/month = $960/year. And, as an added bonus, the NBC broadcast REALLY sucks. Solution? Pirate streaming of the Sky coverage in HD. I know this is not legal, but……..what’s a guy to do? If FOM (as we have discussed before) would provide a streaming telecast I would be happy to support them (at a reasonable rate, needless to say).

          • If in most non-English countries, I would recommend streaming… on F1F they were taking the piss out of the dutch coverage of Indycar by tweeting inane questions to them that they were actually trying to answer on air (like a live #askcrofty).

    • the corollary of that is –

      that the commentators aren’t very bright and/or observant


      to me, as I’m sure it is to many – is it isn’t too technical

      it’s a lack of information that’s the problem

    • Perez DRS not broke, just at the detection point the Merc had pulled away far enough for Perez not to get DRS, Ted Kravitz cleared it up as initially the SkyF1 commentators made the same assumption, then they lookedclosely at the sector times and saw that Rosberg could just stretch the gap to over a second at DRS detection even though they were closer than a second at the start/finish line.

      The BBC are just going through the motions now till they loose all coverage. They know they beaten by SKY so seem to put less and less time, effort and money into their F1 coverage.

      • Thanks for the correction. It seemed to me like he was right in there at .5 or .6 but I guess not at the critical point on the track.

          • You’re right on all counts about the BBC coverage sadly. I only watch it so I have the detail of a TV screen over that of streaming on a tablet.

        • I said it here years ago –

          Suzi was shit when she presented Moto GP

          so I have no idea why anyone at the BBC thought it a good idea to hire her for F1 ?

          FFS ….. !

          • Probably to justify continuing to spend money on the coverage…. it’s clear that the bigwigs get a good wage whatever happens, see all the executive payoffs… so Suzi is the ‘big name presenter’. I think we’d have been happy to see Lee McKenzie promoted and costs saved. There’s 2 pit reporters.. let one of them cover the interviews as well. This works well in practice sessions.

            Maybe also for equality, and probably as part of a strategy to appeal to a broad/not as F1 dedicated fanbase. Might as well, if they’ve lost the core audience to Sky already. It’s the only promotion F1 will get to new audiences so…

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