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#TJ13 #F1 Courtroom Podcast: “Do you have a problem with that?”

Roll up, roll up! Another week and another F1 Courtroom Podcast. This week our host Spanners assembles the panel to address one of TJ13 reader’s questions about engine regulations for next year and how it may impact Honda.

3 car teams rears it horrendous head again and discuss the merits and who will benefit.

But who is this week’s panel I hear you ask…

From the land of beer and fast cars The Fat Hippo graces us with his presence. Also from afar our trumpet master Mattpt55 complains about watches and time zones and closer to the shores of… well joining Spanners on the mud island is Anil Parmar from Formula E Diary.

But wait, that does not conclude the panel. From the choppy waters of the Isle of Wight Matt Somerfield (also known as SomersF1) joins us for this rather technical episode.

Hope you enjoy it and please leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher.

Ah, Stitcher. Yes! For those TJ13 readers that are not fond of fruity products we may have found a solution for you. TJ13 can now be found on Stitcher, another platform that allows anyone with a smart phone to download their app and listen to TJ13 F1 Courtroom Podcasts, and some other ones too.

This week’s song is from Rhiannon Mair and it is called ”Those Days Are Gone“.

You can follow Rhiannon Mair on Facebook or Twitter

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